
BBfA is a partnership between business and national and local regulatory bodies with the aim of improving and simplifying the way in which regulatory compliance is delivered by relevant businesses.

The BBfA partnership aims to help all business, but is specifically designed to help start-up, SME and local businesses get to grips with and simply implement relevant regulation.

The underlying principle of BBfA is the simple fact that compliant business have clearly demonstrated that they are safer, more professional and capable of delivering products and services to their customers. Similarly they are safer and more professional and capable of looking after employees. Through BBfA we aim to ensure that future customers and employees of businesses that will contribute to their growth, will do so with the certain knowledge that they are well run, safe and compliant businesses.

BBfA is locally led as a partnership between regulatory bodies, local business leaders and local organisations such as the FSB, Chamber of Commerce and the all important Growth Hubs who are there to help stimulate business startup, sustainability and growth.

If you represent a local or national regulator, a local business support group, or are a local business leader wanting to help business have a voice in the BBfA partnership then you will be most welcome to join the BBfA initiative. Click HERE to find the right contact in your area.

Below we have published a charter for the BBfA framework that can be applied in any local context.

Regulators and Business Partnership Charter:

This is a voluntary undertaking between regulatory services and businesses


Good relationships between businesses and regulators built upon mutual trust


Outlines standards of commitment between regulatory services and local businesses.

Guidance and information about regulators and who to talk to for advice.

Help businesses to understand the value of compliance for all business and to work with regulators to eradicate bad practice and rogue traders as well as

Collaborate to find the most cost effective methods of achieving legal compliance

Regulatory partners will commit to:

  • Encourage local economic growth by helping businesses to comply with their legal requirements in the most cost effective way
  • Make it easy for businesses to get advice on regulation 
  • Explain the reason for any regulatory visit to businesses
  • Carry out regulatory activity in a fair, helpful transparent, proportionate and consistent way 
  • Co-ordinate services, as much as possible, to minimise unnecessary overlaps and duplication
  • Consult with businesses and local business groups, when developing policies, plans and service standards
  • Promote Better Business for All with businesses, consumers and regulators
  • Have appeal and mediation options in place when businesses are unhappy with a regulator.

Local businesses commit to:

  • Seek advice from local regulatory services on matters of compliance in the
  • Encourage other businesses to contact regulatory services for advice
  • Work with local regulatory services to achieve a satisfactory outcome
  • Wherever possible, take part in publicity when they feel an improvement has been made to their business through engagement with local regulatory services
  • Give feedback and opinions on this website on how regulators can improve on their regulatory systems
  • Use Better Business for All as a guide to better business support.

Download the
Business Charter pdf.

If you are a regulatory body, local business representative body or a local business leader who would like to contribute to better regulation and compliance for business in your region, contact your Local Enterprise Partnership body to connect with your local BBfA initiative.

Note: the information and links described in this website relate to local and national regulatory advice. If you are a regulatory body that is NOT represented in this website please contact your Local Enterprise Partnership to provide us with relevant information that we can include on this site.