Health and Safety

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has developed a range of tools and guidance to help small and medium sized businesses get to grips with health and safety.

These cover themes like:

  • A – Health & safety made simple – where you can learn where to get help, how to write policies an control risks, consultation with employees, training, workplace facilities, first aid and dealing with accidents, display of posters and insurance
  • B – Health & safety toolbox – where you can find support to manage and control a wide range of risks at work, including safety, noise, personal protection, accidents and workplace conditions
  • C – Risk assessment– where you can identify sensible measures to control risk in your workplace by identifying the hazards, who could be harmed, risk and precautions, creating records and reviewing your assessment
  • HSE also offer regular free webinars with HMRC on growing your business, aimed at new businesses and includes case studies of growing businesses. These webinars run regularly and you can register for an upcoming seminar here

Getting guidance, information or help on Health and Safety issues

You can find a wide range of information and guidance on Health and Safety through the HSE website.

NOTE – you should contact your Local Authority Environmental Health team if you have a query about the following types of premises:

  • offices (except government offices)
  • shops
  • hotels
  • restaurants
  • leisure premises
  • nurseries and playgroups
  • pubs and clubs
  • museums (privately owned)
  • places of worship
  • sheltered accommodation and care home

Quick Checklist / Risk Assessment

Getting started with Health & Safety is not as daunting or time consuming as you might think. And it is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper and simpler than dealing with the outcome of an incident. H&S is there to protect your business and employees to prevent such incidents occurring. Here are some simple steps to follow to identify how you can minimise H&S risk in your business (and these steps are fully supported and documents in the Health and Safety Executive website toolbox)

The HSE toolbox has a wide range of helpful resources including the examples below:

Information and Guidance:

See the HSE website in the first instance

If you cannot find the information you seek on the website then complete the online information and guidance form which we aim to respond to within 30 working days

If you cannot complete the online information and guidance form yourself, you can phone our helpline during office hours Monday to Friday on 0300 003 1747 where someone will complete the form for you,

Whats the difference between HSE, Local Authority  and other enforcing authorities responsibilities?

Click here to see a list of different enforcement bodies that relate to your business sector

To find YOUR local authority click here

National HSE Offices

Click Here to view the address of your nearest HSE office and Knowledge Centre. Contact details and visiting hours are listed in this site.

Complaints about regulatory advice or HSE

Click Here if you wish to complain about regulatory health and safety advice or provide complaints, feedback, advice or compliments to HSE